Responsibility in our operations
Since its establishment, Tavinsulka Oy has been a promoter of sustainable and responsible nature tourism, a developer of the operating environment and a pioneer in its application. The company's values permeate all areas of operation. Quality is not a status, but a process.
We are a certified user of Sustainable Travel Finland label.
Our community
We favour local partners and recruit employees primarily from local residents. Local economy is supported by building extensive network and mutually beneficial cooperative relationships with local companies. For common safety, we assume social responsibility is promoting the health and well-being of both personnel and customers.
At the maximum level our open aquatic nature programmes designed to be accessible for people with special needs for equality and inclusiveness.
Natural environment and cultural heritage
For decades Tavinsulka Oy has been engaged in nature protection and its sustainable usage. In our operations, we strive to ensure that service providers (employees) and service users (customers) receive a positive impact in terms of experiencing sustainable development and responsibility. All dimensions of sustainable development (social, economic, ecological and cultural) are integrated in our programmes.
Local cultural heritage is incorporated to the programmes, which we actively communicate to customers.
Committment to the principles of sustainable tourism
We are committed to the principles of sustainable nature tourism, the most visible parts of which are the cooperation agreement we signed with Metsähallitus, Parks and Wildlife Finland, our participation in the KESMA and Green Care Finland projects, and are a certified Sustainable Travel Finland company.
Protection of the natural environment
The biggest emmission in our operations is generated during the manufacturing phase of the equipment, the application of composite technology. We try to minimize this through a conscious choice. Only high-quality and long-lasting equipment we use, which is recycled for private users when their time in our service is over.
Digital tools are widely used and we aim for a paperless adminstration.
Since the founding of the company, the "No-trace-behind" policy has been followed in our programs, thus reducing ecological footprint.
Employees and customers are encouraged to use public transport, bicycles or other environmentally friendly vehicles whenever possible.